Jogger raised the alarm

Father and son crashed their tractor in the forest

09.03.2024 08:00

Two men crashed a tractor during woodworking in Mils near Hall in Tyrol on Wednesday evening. The fire department had to recover the vehicle. A jogger saw the crashed machine and raised the alarm. The two occupants had guardian angels with them.

The terrible tractor crash on the Großvolderberg on Thursday - in which, as the "Krone" reported, a 76-year-old farmer was seriously injured - was not to be the only accident of its kind these days.

Off the forest road
There had already been a tractor crash on Wednesday evening. A father and his adult son were driving their tractor along a forest road in Mils near Hall while carrying out woodwork.

For reasons as yet unknown, the tractor probably crossed the road and crashed a few meters into an adjacent forest. A jogger saw the vehicle lying between trees and immediately set the rescue chain in motion.

"Fortunately, the tractor was only two to three meters off the road. It got caught in a tree," said Stefan Pircher, commander of the fire brigade, describing the situation.

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Fortunately, the tractor was only two to three meters off the road. It got caught in a tree.

FF-Kommandant Stefan Pircher

The men were uninjured, tractor between trees
The two occupants had all the luck in the world. They remained uninjured, but were admittedly in shock. The jogger looked after them until the emergency services arrived.

The fire department then had to secure the tractor to prevent it from falling any further. "We were then able to get the vehicle onto the forest road," explains Pircher, who continues: "We had to dismantle the front loader so that we could get it out of the forest in the first place."

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We had to dismantle the front loader so that we could get it out of the forest.

FF-Kommandant Stefan Pircher

A towing service finally took the vehicle to the workshop. The tractor sustained considerable damage. In addition to the Mils fire brigade, the police and a recovery company were also deployed.

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