Can prevent cancer

Vaccination against cancer will be free until the age of 30

04.03.2024 13:53

The HPV vaccination, which protects against cervical cancer among other things, will be free of charge up to the age of 30. This was agreed on Monday by the federal and state governments and health insurance companies. Until now, the vaccination has cost several hundred euros, depending on the provider and federal state (see video above).

"I support the expansion of the public vaccination program by raising the age limit for the HPV vaccination up to the age of 30. This will allow us to further expand the protective effect against common cancers (...)", said Andreas Huss from the Austrian Health Insurance Fund (ÖGK) and the umbrella organization of social insurance providers.

The HPV (human papillomavirus) vaccination reduces the risk of genital warts and cervical cancer by up to 90 percent. It also reduces the likelihood of cancer of the throat, larynx, vagina, anus and penis.

Human papilloma virus (HPV). (Bild: Kateryna_Kon/
Human papilloma virus (HPV).
From the left: Andreas Huss (ÖGK), Vienna City Councillor for Health Peter Hacker and Health Minister Johannes Rauch at the press conference on Monday (Bild: APA/Helmut Fohringer)
From the left: Andreas Huss (ÖGK), Vienna City Councillor for Health Peter Hacker and Health Minister Johannes Rauch at the press conference on Monday

Included in the vaccination plan
According to the Ministry of Social Affairs, the vaccination could prevent 180 deaths per year across Austria. Since February 1, 2023, the HPV vaccine has been free of charge for children, adolescents and young adults between the ages of nine and 21. Since then, almost twice as many people have been vaccinated as before (106,000 in total). By the end of 2025, young adults up to the age of 30 will also be able to get the HPV vaccination free of charge.

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High vaccination coverage rates can be achieved with school vaccinations, as all social classes can be easily reached.

Andreas Huss, ÖGK

It is offered in schools (especially in the fourth grade), at public vaccination centers in the provinces such as district offices and at doctors in private practice. "High vaccination coverage rates can be achieved with school vaccinations, as it is easy to reach all sections of society. We should make sure that this setting is a particular focus. However, adolescents and young adults could also be easily reached in companies with company doctors," said Huss in a press release.

Decision likely to be made in April
The decision on the public vaccination program is expected to be made in April. 90 million euros are to flow into the offer. "The HPV vaccination is the only vaccination against cancer. It saves many lives in Austria every year (...). Health must not be a question of income," said Health Minister Johannes Rauch (Greens). The HPV vaccination costs several hundred euros, depending on the provider and province.

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The HPV vaccination is the only vaccination against cancer. It saves many lives in Austria every year.

Gesundheitsminister Johannes Rauch

At least 80 percent of all women and men are infected with HPV at least once in their lives. Between 400 and 500 women develop cervical cancer every year. Transmission occurs through skin-to-skin contact and cannot be prevented by the use of contraceptives. An infection can initially go unnoticed and lead to a disease many years later.
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