Fake patches

Fraudsters “collected” cash for the Red Cross

12.02.2024 19:52

Two fraudsters had embroidered a patch with a red cross on a white background on their red sweaters. They wanted to persuade their victims to donate cash. But a former Red Cross employee was immediately suspicious.

In the early evening hours on Monday in Klagenfurt-Waidmannsdorf, two men rang several apartment doors. "The men wore red sweaters with imitation patches and claimed to be collecting donations," the police reported.

"Perpetrators of North African descent"
"At least one of the perpetrators is probably of North African descent, is slim and speaks broken German. The second perpetrator stayed in the background." However, the sweaters are missing the striking inscription "Austrian Red Cross".

During their fraudulent collection of donations, the two men also met a former employee of the Red Cross, who immediately became suspicious. "The 64-year-old from Klagenfurt recognized from the fake uniform that they were fraudsters. When he asked the North African man for ID, he only briefly showed an indefinable piece of plastic," said the police. "He then told the men that he would call the police." When the 64-year-old picked up his cell phone, the scammers fled.

Red Cross informed
Fortunately, the other residents were also alert and no one handed the fraudsters any money. The police immediately informed the rescue organization. "Real Red Cross employees also collect donations, but they carry a tablet with them and never accept cash. Donations are usually made cashless or by standing order," says the Klagenfurt Red Cross about the incidents.

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