Contested for months

Dead and injured after attacks on Selydowe

08.02.2024 13:14

At least one person was killed in night-time Russian attacks on Selydowe. Seven others were injured, according to the Ukrainian governor. The town has been embattled for months, with the situation becoming increasingly difficult.

"The enemy is exerting pressure from all sides," said Mayor Vitali Barabash on Thursday. Many Russian forces are trying to capture Selydowe. At least one person was killed and seven others injured in the latest attack. A total of 53 high-rise buildings, ten private residences and 24 vehicles were damaged, according to the Ukrainian governor of the Donetsk region, Vadym Filashkin.

Newly formed crater in Odessa (Bild: AFP)
Newly formed crater in Odessa
Attacked college in Odessa (Bild: AFP or licensors)
Attacked college in Odessa
At least one person was killed in the latest Russian attacks. (Bild: AFP or licensors)
At least one person was killed in the latest Russian attacks.

Injuries were also reported in the Odessa and Avdiivka regions. There are said to be 941 people still living in Avdiivka, compared to 32,000 before the war began. The Russian army has been trying to encircle the city since October. According to Ukrainian reports, two police officers were injured by a drone in Odessa. They were on their way to the scene after being hit by a drone when they were struck by a second one.

Missile and drone attack the day before
According to the Ukrainian air force, a total of eleven out of 17 Russian combat drones were also intercepted. Impacts and damage were nevertheless reported, for example from Mykolaiv in the south and Vinnytsia in the center. Just the day before, the Russian military had launched a massive combined missile and drone attack on its neighbor (see video above). At least five people were killed and dozens more injured.
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