Plancha grilling" trend

Weber presents gas grill as a plancha for the first time

27.05.2024 13:05

Culinary playground from Mediterranean to hearty: Viva la Vida! Mediterranean plancha grilling, i.e. grilling on a hot plate, has spread from Spain and France to German-speaking countries. Weber responded to this trend back in 2023 with extra-large, heat-optimized grill plates as accessories for various barbecues. This year, the BBQ world market leader is presenting the new Weber SLATE GP Premium Plancha gas barbecue: the first barbecue from Weber to feature a plancha instead of a grid.


Pure roasted flavours
Scrambled eggswith crispy bacon, toasted Italian panini and juicy burgers with caramelized onions are just some of the many delicacies that can be prepared on it: "Small food in particular is ideal for grilling on the plancha because nothing can fall through the grate. The smash trend, which originated in the USA, is also popular: smashed burgers, smashed cheese and smashed avocado - the list is long. A grill plate press is used to press grilled food onto the grill to get even more roasted flavors," says Yulia Haybäck, Weber Grill Master.

Yulia Haybäck is a Weber grill master and has her roots in Spain and Venezuela. Grilling on the plancha is a childhood memory for her. (Bild: © Philipp Lipiarski)
Yulia Haybäck is a Weber grill master and has her roots in Spain and Venezuela. Grilling on the plancha is a childhood memory for her.

A hot iron
The plancha reaches high temperatures of over 260 °C within ten minutes.Made of porcelain-enameled cast iron, the "Weber Slate GP Premium Plancha" generates a consistently even heat of over over the entire grilling surface. The grill runs on gas and is available in four different sizes: depending on the version, there are even several burners so that the same plancha can work with different heat zones. This is ideal for anyone who wants to grill fish or steak and cook vegetables at the same time. Weber's main focus with the plancha is on simple, intuitive operation and precise heat regulation.

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"Beginners and gourmets, especially those who love Mediterranean cuisine, rely on our planchas. Grilling on the new Weber Slate GP Premium Plancha is elegant, intuitive and trendy - it's simply fun."

Daniel Ipser, Geschäftsführer von Weber-Stephen Österreich.

Smart grilling experiences
The plancha impresses with a state-of-the-art digital temperature display and is also compatible with the smart Weber Connect technology. This free app from Weber contains more than 800 barbecue recipes: There are no limits to your creativity for delicious recipes and unusual creations. Step-by-step instructions ensure restaurant-quality grilled dishes. If you also work with a smart core temperature probe, you can also achieve the right cooking levels for meat and fish with pinpoint accuracy.

Practical features
The grilling surface is corrosion-resistant, rust-repellent and the special surface prevents food from sticking, making it particularly easy to clean. The large fat collection system prevents spills and effectively collects the fat. There are two compact versions with 43 and 56 centimetres of grilling surface, which also have leveling legs: perfect for picnics as well as tabletops. There is also the stand-alone plancha: this is differentiated not only by the fixed stand system with serving table, but also by the significantly larger grilling surface (76 cm), optionally with side stove: prepare, grill, serve and clean - all directly on site.

The new gas barbecue "Weber Slate GP Premium Plancha" is available in all versions via as well as in all Weber stores and specialist retailers from 399.00 euros (RRP), depending on the model up to 1,099.00 euros (RRP). Particularly exciting: All plancha models come with a full 5-year guarantee. (Bild: Krone KREATIV/
The new gas barbecue "Weber Slate GP Premium Plancha" is available in all versions via as well as in all Weber stores and specialist retailers from 399.00 euros (RRP), depending on the model up to 1,099.00 euros (RRP). Particularly exciting: All plancha models come with a full 5-year guarantee.

More big news at Weber
The barbecue year 2024 is not over with the plancha alone. While everything at Weber began in Chicago in 1952 with George Stephen's idea of transforming a simple ship's buoy into a kettle barbecue, this year Weber is presenting the most modern SmartControl gas barbecue in the company's entire history: the "Summit FS38X", for restaurant-quality grilled food and with a high-performance infrared sear zone for temperatures of over 815 °C, the likes of which the BBQ market has never seen before. It produces even better grilling results without flame contact thanks to the heat from above.

Also: Weber is entering the outdoor kitchen market with the "Weber BBQ Kitchen". A product created by a team of Austrian entrepreneurs, including Matthias Fuchs and Benedikt Mitterlehner, both managing directors of the popular Weber Original Stores.

There is also colorful news in the electric barbecue segment, the "Lumin" now also shines in fresh mint green. All recipe book fans will get their money's worth with the new book "Weber's Ultimate Heat": the first barbecue book that deals with the correct use of high heat from the ground up. Because: "More is not always more", according to the barbecue masters behind Weber. All new products are available now or soon at and in all Weber Original Stores.

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