Registrar reveals

“It’s so beautiful when they are so in love”

26.05.2024 08:00

Getting married in small towns is emotional and personal. A registrar from Adnet reveals what still moves her.

Almost everyone knows the Marble Hall in Salzburg's Mirabell Palace. Less well-known as a wedding venue is Adnet - where the famous Adnet marble comes from. Weddings here have a lot of personal and emotional space.

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When the groom or grandma cries right at the beginning of the ceremony, it gets me.

Hannelore Eibl, Standesbeamtin in Adnet

Registrars don't have an easy time of it. "When the groom or grandma cries right at the start of the ceremony, it gets to me too," says Hannelore Eibl. Many tears of happiness are shed in the marble-clad wedding room at the municipal office. In the middle of it all is the municipal employee, who is still moved after 14 years as a registrar.

"She showed so much emotion. It made our wedding really festive," says a newlywed couple. Only in a "sleepy nest" like their community is getting married still really personal, the couple say.

"It's so nice when the bride and groom are so in love," says Hannelore Eibl about the benefits of her work. She still remembers one special moment years later. Before the groom was allowed to kiss his bride, he told her in front of the entire wedding party: "I love you so much."

More couples marry "top secret" and very small
Impressive wedding pictures are created in the Marble Hall, but it is difficult to "accommodate" personal details. In Adnet, there is also a speech on request that goes into the marriage proposal under the Christmas tree and suchlike. Eibl goes to the hairdresser before every wedding ceremony and dresses the couple accordingly. If a small wedding is to remain secret, she can even manage that in the small town. "That's been happening a lot lately," reveals the Adnet native.

According to Franz Schefbaumer, the manager of Schloss Mirabell, one trend is for couples to style themselves in unusual ways, for example in biker outfits. And "cold feet"? Almost nobody ever gets them here or there.

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read the original article here.

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