New contract

Legionnaire Lainer’s future is clear

25.05.2024 23:30

Salzburg soccer legionnaire Stefan Lainer has made his decision: he will remain loyal to German Bundesliga club Borussia Mönchengladbach. According to information from "Krone", the 31-year-old has already signed his new contract. Another ex-cop, however, is about to leave.

The future of soccer legionnaire Stefan Lainer has been clarified. As the "Krone" has learned, the 31-year-old from Seekirchen will remain loyal to German Bundesliga club Borussia Mönchengladbach and has signed a new two-year contract with the "Foals".

It had recently become apparent that the veteran, who is part of team boss Ralf Rangnick's extended squad for the European Championship, would stay. "He has impressed with his performances, we are all happy with him," said coach Gerardo Seoane recently.

The club offered Lainer the prospect of an extension immediately after his cancer diagnosis became known. However, Lainer first wanted to earn this with good performances. The right-back did just that in the final of the past season. "Stevie" has been with the five-time champions since the summer of 2019 (most recently in 1977) and has made 141 appearances (four goals) for the traditional club from North Rhine-Westphalia.

The signs are pointing to Wöber's departure
The future of Max Wöber is still unclear. The 26-year-old, like Lainer an ex-Bull, was on loan from Leeds United for one season. As Gladbach's reported transfer fee of around twelve million euros is said to be too high, it seems extremely unlikely that the central defender will remain with the "Foals".

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