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“Eisenstadt in White” turns the city into a party zone

26.05.2024 05:00

An unforgettable experience awaits visitors on June 7 and 8. The entire pedestrian zone of Eisenstadt will be transformed into a large, white party zone, offering visitors a very special event experience. Get your tickets now at a 25% discount in the Krone ticket store!

The long shopping night on Fridays is all about shopping, with numerous shopping activities paired with musical fireworks on several stages and culinary delights at many food stands.

The subsequent parties with the highlight of the "Friday Night Ö3 Disco" in the inner courtyard of Esterházy Palace ensure a good mood. The DJs also heat up the Friday Night Parties at the Henrici, the Rooftop Bar at the Hotel Galántha and the Selektion Vinothek Burgenland.

(Bild: HSG Events, Siegel)

Saturday is a party day
On Saturday, there will also be partying and dancing in the pedestrian zone in front of the stages, with cool bands and musicians providing the right sound. In addition to the many food stalls, the special "Dinner in White" in the Henrici restaurant and the Hotel Galántha will be a gastronomic treat on this day.

Saturday also promises an unforgettable clubbing night in Eisenstadt. One ticket gives you access to an incredible 11 dance floors. Clubbing guests will dance in a particularly atmospheric way in the magnificent rooms of Esterházy Palace, which will be opened up for the first time in the city's history for an event of this kind - a unique clubbing experience is guaranteed. Many national and international acts will turn the night into day together with the guests.

All in White
As the name of the MegaEvent has long given away, special attention will of course be paid to the color white. The visitors in their radiant outfits will make a significant contribution to the special, unforgettable flair of the event.

Secure your tickets now!

The new white festival in Eisenstadt promises an unforgettable weekend for tens of thousands of guests.

07.06.2024 to 09.06.2024
Esterhazy Palace, Eisenstadt

Get - 25% off the basic ticket price for max. 4 discounted tickets per Krone Bonus Card

HERE is the link to the Krone Ticketshop.

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