"Wild West"

Trouble again for the FPÖ due to removed posters

19.05.2024 14:58

Once again, blue election advertising has been removed in a municipality. The Freedom Party is now considering legal action

Following the recent fuss over missing FPÖ posters in Lockenhaus, the Freedom Party has once again lost posters. This time, however, it is known who the "culprit" is. The municipality of Trausdorf had arranged for the removal.

"We don't live in the Wild West"
FPÖ provincial party chairman Alexander Petschnig rages: "The incumbent of Trausdorf obviously thinks that he lives somewhere in the Wild West and not only forcibly tampered with our posters, but that he doesn't even have to inform us of his authoritarian abuses! Based on this situation, abuse of authority and permanent confiscation of property, if not theft, are on the cards." Petschnig refers to the legally enshrined right of all parties to advertise their positions. The FPÖ is considering legal action and wants to raise the issue in the state parliament.

Ban has been in place for years
Trausdorf's mayor Andreas Rotpuller (SPÖ) cannot understand the uproar. For around ten years, there has been a municipal council resolution that no posters may be attached to the trees and lampposts. This applies not only to political parties, but to everyone. The FPÖ has the option of placing its advertising anywhere else - on green spaces or meadows. Unfortunately, the problem with FPÖ banners occurs at every election.

Big clean-up
Those posters that violate the regulations - including those from the circus - have recently been removed. Rotpuller: The FPÖ should rather take care of appointing an election assessor. Because the FPÖ seat is currently vacant.

Green posters graffitied
The Greens also have problems with election posters - albeit in a different form. In the district of Oberpullendorf, rows of posters and banners fell victim to the vandalism of unknown persons. A total of 19 election posters were sprayed or damaged at 17 locations. The cases were reported.

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

Christian Schulter
Christian Schulter
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