First heat victim

Sad death of a dog in a cramped metal box

27.04.2024 09:56

The high temperatures at the beginning of April were underestimated by a man from Salzburg, who left his dog in the back of his pick-up truck while he went shopping. The consequences were serious - the animal had no chance and died in agony in a locked transport box made of black metal. The fact that the man is a hunter and an officer in the army has animal rights activists prick up their ears.

All help came too late for the three-year-old mountain dog "Waldmann". He lost his still young life due to the gross carelessness of his master, who should have known better. His carelessness earned him a charge of cruelty to animals.

The mountain dog died in a similar box in the back of the car (symbolic images). (Bild: Krone KREATIV/
The mountain dog died in a similar box in the back of the car (symbolic images).

But that's not all, because information was leaked to the "Krone" that accuses the Salzburg man of pure intent. He had already treated his dog sadistically as a puppy, starving and freezing it. According to a source who wishes to remain anonymous, keeping the animal in a box in hot weather is said to have brought it to the brink of heatstroke several times.

The editorial team is keeping its sources secret, but the truth of the statements must be verified. (Bild:
The editorial team is keeping its sources secret, but the truth of the statements must be verified.

Serious allegations that the "Krone" animal corner has to investigate. In the interview, the victim is meek and reproaches himself: "There is no excuse for the fact that my dog died in the car. This guilt will stay with me for the rest of my life".

Testimony against testimony
However, he does not want to be labeled as a serial animal abuser and sees the allegations as an act of revenge. It is not the first time that people have tried to harm him. Since resigning from political office, the family man feels that his entire family is at the mercy of a smear campaign. There is no evidence of this from either side.

Even a small rift cannot cool things down! (Bild:
Even a small rift cannot cool things down!

What remains is the first official victim of the heat season. Small children and animals will once again suffer hellish agony in blocked cars this year, for some with fatal consequences as in the case of "Waldmann".

Half of patients do not survive heatstroke
First dogs pant and bark, then they literally fight for survival. If the animal does not receive help as quickly as possible, there is a risk of irreparable organ damage or even death. Fatal: Even if the animal is supposedly rescued from the vehicle in time and receives immediate veterinary treatment, around half of the patients do not survive heatstroke. Death can occur up to 24 hours after the incident.

Lulled into a false sense of security
Even if the windows are left ajar, the air circulation inside the car is too low to ensure cooling. Even shaded parking spaces do not protect against overheating. And as Indra Schöneich-Kley from the Tierschutzombudsstelle Wien (TOW) makes clear: "Even in parking garages, the temperature inside the car quickly reaches dangerous levels."

All this information is disseminated in the media every year, and yet there are always cases like this. "It is incomprehensible to me that you, as a hunter, have acted so thoughtlessly. You have a responsibility for your animal and also have a role model effect in society due to your profession in the army", warns animal corner lady Maggie Entenfellner in a telephone conversation with the Salzburger.

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