After the corona dip

Eviction executions increased again in 2023

22.04.2024 15:00

The number of eviction executions rose again in 2023. However, after a dip due to the coronavirus, it is still below the level of 2018 and 2019, as shown in the response to a parliamentary question from the SPÖ (Social Democratic Party of Austria) by Justice Minister Alma Zadic (Greens).

The question asked about the number of eviction lawsuits, court notices of termination and the number of eviction executions actually carried out. While the number of terminations fell during the pandemic and continued to trend downwards afterwards, the picture is different for eviction actions and eviction executions. Here, the figures for 2018 and 2019, which were almost identical in the coronavirus years, fell sharply. From 2022, there was an increase again, which continued in 2023 - but the values in both categories are still well below those of 2018 and 2019.

For example, just over 12,000 eviction executions were carried out in 2018 and 2019. This figure fell to 8,300 in 2020 and 6,900 in 2021. In 2022, the figures rose again to 8,600, before increasing further to 10,100 in 2023. Whether this trend will continue cannot currently be predicted - however, in 2023 the number of eviction executions remained constant across all four quarters. Following a decline in the second and third quarters of 2023, the number of eviction proceedings rose again in the fourth quarter.

Type of property evicted not recorded
The statistics do not break down the type of property being evicted, i.e. they include apartments as well as commercial premises and offices. The reason for termination and type of property are not recorded, according to the response to the inquiry. This would require all files to be evaluated manually.

Residential screen to help
During the coronavirus pandemic, rent deferrals were granted and evictions were postponed due to unpaid rent. These measures have now expired. The so-called housing umbrella was then launched - this is aimed at people who have rent arrears.
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