Man arrested

Paris: Bomb threat against Iranian embassy

19.04.2024 14:54

Terror alert at the Iranian consulate in Paris: The police launched a large-scale operation after a man was seen entering the building with an explosive vest. However, the all-clear has since been given: No explosives were found during searches, the public prosecutor's office announced.

In the meantime, one person has been escorted out of the building; it is likely to have been an Iranian opponent of the regime who wanted to start a protest there. The streets around the building were cordoned off and the metro was stopped. Employees of the consulate reportedly told the authorities that a suspect had entered the embassy building "with a grenade or an explosive vest".

Heavily armed special forces then arrived, and a short time later French media showed pictures of a man kneeling on the ground being led away by two police officers. It has since been revealed that the man was an Iranian who wanted to protest against the theocracy.

Already had an eight-month suspended sentence
According to the public prosecutor's office, the detainee had already been convicted of setting fire to car tires in front of the consulate in 2023. He should have appeared in court on Monday for this. A lower court had sentenced him to an eight-month suspended sentence and banned him from entering the area around the consulate. The Iranian appealed.

No explosives were found on the man, but the bomb disposal unit of the French special forces was called in for security reasons. The embassy was thoroughly inspected.

France has tightened security measures since the IS attack on a concert hall in Moscow on March 22.

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