Trial in Innsbruck

Was girl regularly beaten up by her mother?

18.04.2024 09:00

Between 2016 and August 2023, a 33-year-old Tyrolean woman is said to have repeatedly beaten her daughter with a broom, wooden spoon or even a knife. The woman was now on trial in Innsbruck, but denied (almost) everything.

The allegations made by a now twelve-year-old against her mother are serious: the 33-year-old is said to have repeatedly attacked her daughter, with whom she lived until August, with brooms, wooden spoons and even a knife over the years. However, the woman vehemently denied the accusations. Instead of up to twice a week, the Tyrolean woman claims to have hit her child "only" once with a broomstick.

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It was all just too much for me that day in August. It just happened to me. I also plead guilty to that.

Die Angeklagte vor Gericht

"It was all too much for me that day", the defendant justified herself. She had caught her daughter chatting with men - she had also stolen beforehand. However, she denied kicking, slapping or threatening to hit her if she didn't clean. "I certainly didn't do that," said the woman, who cannot explain why her daughter is claiming this.

The 33-year-old was sitting before a panel of lay judges at the Innsbruck Regional Court. (Bild: Stegmayr Markus, Krone KREATIV)
The 33-year-old was sitting before a panel of lay judges at the Innsbruck Regional Court.

Trial adjourned for further witnesses
"There is a lot at stake, the minimum penalty for continued violence is a prison sentence of five years," said Judge Andreas Mair, who also wants to question the girl's father and primary school teacher in addition to the alleged victim. Neither of them apparently noticed any hematomas, welts or cuts on her. Adjourned!

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