With a knife at the station

Terror teen: “Lucky he lost his courage”

11.04.2024 08:00

He already had the knife in his pocket and had already entered Vienna Central Station - but the then 16-year-old changed his mind at the last second and did not stab people indiscriminately. However, his Islamist convictions still landed him in the Vienna provincial court. Where he was very taciturn during his short trial. The verdict makes it clear: the terror teen will be released in a month's time.

Just like the Vienna attacker of November 2, 2020, Kujtim F., a 16-year-old proudly posted a photo shortly before his planned attack: on September 11, 2023, he marched into Vienna Central Station with a knife to stab unbelievers in the name of IS.

17-year-old gets two-year suspended sentence. (Bild: Gerhard Bartel, Krone KREATIV)
17-year-old gets two-year suspended sentence.

IS flag drawn on a blackboard
The public prosecutor at the Vienna Regional Court describes in detail how this came about: at the beginning of 2023, the now 17-year-old began practising Islam and subsequently radicalized himself on the Internet - as is so often the case. He began sharing IS propaganda on TikTok, Instagram and Telegram, and also sent chants and videos of suicide bombers to classmates. "He posted the IS flag on the blackboard in his school class," said the prosecutor.

In a chat, the then 16-year-old announced the knife attack. (Bild: Krone KREATIV,Gerhard Bartel, zVg, Krone KREATIV)
In a chat, the then 16-year-old announced the knife attack.
(Bild: zVg, Krone KREATIV)
(Bild: zVg, Krone KREATIV)

Weapons purchase in the days before the planned attack failed
This radicalization culminated a few days before September 11 last year. The teenager tried to buy a gun with 500 euros - but he was too young. So he equipped himself with bicycle gloves, a T-shirt in camouflage colors, a gilet with cut-off headphone cables - intended to imitate a bomb jacket - and a knife. He then took the subway to Vienna Central Station. "In the end, it's a huge stroke of luck that his courage failed him. Otherwise we'd be sitting here for something completely different."

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In the end, it's a huge stroke of luck that his courage has deserted him. Otherwise we would be sitting here because of something completely different.

Staatsanwältin im Wiener Landesgericht

Because the planned attack is not the subject of his trial today. The public prosecutor's office dropped the investigation and the then 16-year-old eventually withdrew from the trial of his own accord. However, the defendant's numerous postings and messages remain, which make him a member of the terrorist organization IS. He faces five years in prison before the juvenile court.

Not sensible, pleads defense lawyer Rudolf Mayer. A long prison sentence would only solidify his radical views. To which the 17-year-old confessed. "How did you come up with that?" the judge wants to know. The defendant is at a loss for words: "Social media" - "Do you still think like that?" - "No." - "What made you change your mind?" - "Derad." A deradicalization programme he took part in while in custody.

Place in shared flat already organized
His defence lawyers Rudolf Mayer and David Jodlbauer had already organized a place for their client in a socio-pedagogical shared flat if a partially conditional sentence was decided. And so it is: he is sentenced to 24 months for terrorist association and criminal organization - eight months of which he must serve in prison. He has already served almost seven months on remand, which is taken into account. He also has to undergo individual therapy.

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