Green axis grows

Two new oak trees adorn Villach’s main square

10.04.2024 14:00

The "Green Axis" in Villach received a new addition on Wednesday. Two oak trees were planted on the main square. They will make an important contribution to the urban climate.

The first sponge city tree on the main square is no longer alone since Tuesday - two oaks were professionally planted in their new home by the staff of the city green department. Three trees were actually supposed to be planted - but one oak was broken and now has to be replaced. The two new trees have a trunk diameter of around 50 centimetres and a height of twelve meters. Because the trees are not yet firmly rooted to the ground, they now have to be firmly tied down.

Incidentally, the oaks can look forward to much more space for their roots than the usual "city trees". On the main square, as on the registry office square, the sponge city principle is used. On the one hand, this method ensures that the trees survive and develop optimally in a very cramped habitat. In addition, the underground retention areas have created space for rainwater on the main square. The secret of the principle lies above all in the well thought-out substructure with a root-permeable pore system.

Green axis of the city
The trees on the main square are also part of the "Green Axis" project. Here, the city is to have trees all the way from the train station to the Protestant church. The trees on the main square will primarily provide shade in summer and prevent the square from heating up too much. They will also improve the air quality.

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