Appeal to tourism experts

Transitforum calls for rethinking and rethinking

02.04.2024 09:04

More overnight stays with shorter stays mean more traffic for the already heavily congested Tyrolean road network, says the Transitforum Austria-Tyrol. It is now calling for an open and, above all, results-oriented discussion.

The Transit Forum Austria-Tyrol, led by Fritz Gurgiser, is not letting up when it comes to restricting transit in Tyrol. "Limited valleys cannot tolerate unlimited traffic," Gurgiser reiterates.

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We are calling for an open and, above all, results-oriented discussion for the coming summer and winter seasons as the core task of all those responsible for tourism.

Fritz Gurgiser vom Transitforum (Bild: Johanna Birbaumer)

Fritz Gurgiser, Transitforum Austria-Tirol

"Based on the experience of the 2023/2024 winter season so far, which brought more overnight stays with shorter stays, which means more traffic and more stress, we are calling for an open and, above all, results-oriented discussion for the coming summer and winter season as the core task of all those responsible for tourism," emphasizes Gurgiser.

Goal: congestion-free arrival, departure and transit
Weekend after weekend, more and more Tyrolean municipal, provincial and federal roads are becoming congested. It cannot be the future of Tyrol if locals on the secondary road network are harassed by guest cars.

The aim of the tourism debate should be "congestion-free arrivals and departures to and from the side valleys of the Inn Valley, which are popular with tourists, as well as congestion-free transit to the south and back on 356 days a year - without the immense problems and financial burdens for municipalities, police, the state of Tyrol, etc."

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