If he loses, then ...

Trump irritates with “bloodbath” slogan during appearance

17.03.2024 11:05

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is known for his brutal rhetoric. In front of supporters in Ohio, however, he lacked any restraint. He threatened the end of democracy in the USA and predicted a "bloodbath" in the event of his defeat.

When Trump took to the stage in Ohio, he made it clear which way things would go. The ex-president saluted the imprisoned perpetrators of the violence at the Capitol on January 6 and referred to them as "hostages". His campaign team played a sombre version of the national anthem.

Trump then irritated the audience with radical predictions: "If we don't win this election, I don't think there will be another election in this country," he said on Saturday. And: "If I don't get elected, there will be a bloodbath for the whole country."

Trump invokes "bloodbath"
However, US analysts attribute the "bloodbath" comment to the car industry, which Trump was talking about when he stepped away from the teleprompter. The 77-year-old spoke at a rally about China's alleged plans to build cars in Mexico and then sell them in the US: "They won't be able to sell those cars if I'm elected." He then spoke about a "bloodbath" in the event of defeat. He emphasized, "That will be the minimum, it will be a bloodbath for the country. That will be the least. But they will not sell these cars."

The "bloodbath" scene to watch:

Trump also outraged with inhumane statements on migration. He claimed, without providing any evidence, that countless people from the Congo were crossing the US borders every day. He was not sure whether these undocumented immigrants could still be called human beings and added: "They are animals! Hardened criminals!"

Trump was his usual erratic self in his speech. It was noticeable that he repeatedly struggled to find the right words. For example, he had problems pronouncing the word "bite" correctly. He also had problems reading his speech correctly at other points. He accused his opponent Joe Biden of being the "worst" president of all time and a "creepy eccentric".

Biden spokesperson responded promptly
US President Joe Biden's press team reacted immediately. His campaign spokesman, James Singer, condemned the "loser's" statements. He accused Trump of "extremism", a "thirst for revenge" and "threats of political violence".

Almost eight months before the US presidential election, incumbent Joe Biden and his challenger Donald Trump are virtually tied in the voters' favor. Trump was able to narrow the gap to Biden in opinion polls among non-white voters. These formed a core part of Biden's coalition when he defeated Trump in 2020.

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