Escape from hospital

Vienna: Escaped prisoner allegedly an IS supporter

02.02.2024 17:52

There is no end to embarrassing mishaps involving escaped prisoners. In the current sixth case, a serious criminal has escaped. It is particularly explosive that the 19-year-old was in custody on suspicion of terrorism. He is said to be a supporter of the terrorist organization Islamic State (IS).

Embarrassing, embarrassing - justice watch! A new chapter has been added to the list of mistakes made by possibly overburdened prison guards.

Prisoner escaped from hospital
On Friday afternoon, a 19-year-old inmate, who is said to be an Austrian citizen with Tunisian roots, managed to escape without any major problems during an appointment at the Barmherzige Brüder hospital in Vienna-Leopoldstadt. The fugitive is of a high caliber.

According to reports, a few things went wrong during the "trip" to the hospital ... The incident is already being investigated internally. (Bild: P. Huber)
According to reports, a few things went wrong during the "trip" to the hospital ... The incident is already being investigated internally.

Not only did the "young adult" serve time in Wiener Neustadt prison for robbery and assault, he is also likely to have a lot on his plate in connection with terrorist offenses. The man is said to be a supporter of the terrorist organization Islamic State, which has repeatedly been responsible for attacks in Europe and caused fear and terror in Syria and Iraq.

Transfer to hospital without handcuffs?
The highly embarrassing escape was the result of a rendition. As the Lower Austrian prison does not have an infirmary, the Harbour Brother was taken to the Hospital of the Brothers of Mercy in Vienna. And it was there that the security breach occurred.

The Ministry of Justice explained how the felon was able to escape as follows: "With regard to the current case, it should be noted that the circumstances known to date point to official misconduct on the part of individual members of staff."

However, it has been leaked that the terror suspect may have been admitted to hospital without (!) handcuffs. This would be supported by the fact that one of the prison officers suffered injuries.

Major manhunt with WEGA and service dogs
In the meantime, police units including service dogs and the WEGA are searching for the man. The stone prisoner Islam Y is also still on the run. So far there is no trace of either of them.

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