The AK helped her

Mother cared for sick child and was dismissed

01.02.2024 18:25

It's unbelievable that something like this can still happen. Because her toddler fell ill, a mother from the Hausruckviertel (Upper Austria) had to go on care leave. But her employer didn't like this at all and dismissed the woman. She did not put up with this and went to the Chamber of Labor.

The worker, who was employed in a retail company, was dismissed after she had to take time off to care for her sick child. The employer's reason is abstruse: she had shown disloyalty to the company with this "behavior".

Discrimination as a woman
However, the woman did not want to put up with this and turned to the AK Upper Austria. The AK intervened with the employer against the discrimination based on her role as a mother. The company then explained that there were other reasons for dismissal.

Settlement reached
In the end, they agreed on a settlement to avoid legal proceedings. "In addition to damages for the discriminatory termination, compensation for dismissal was also due. In total, the woman received more than 2,800 euros in back pay," the AK stated in a press release.

Not an isolated case
"Unfortunately, this is not an isolated case. In our consultations, we repeatedly hear about discrimination against parents. Although the principle of equal treatment applies to all people regardless of gender, it is mainly women who are affected by discrimination against parents," says AK President Andreas Stangl.

Deadlines not met
Labor law violations are also on the AK's agenda. As in the case of the mother from the Hausruckviertel. She was dismissed without observing the stipulated deadlines. As a result, a settlement was reached on the payment of compensation for dismissal. "Some employers lack any respect for their employees. It is probably the very least that claims resulting from an employment relationship are properly settled and paid out. Where this does not happen, we help the employees," said the AK President.

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