Lush harvest expected

Historic early start to the asparagus harvest

24.03.2024 08:30

Austrian asparagus farmers are starting the harvest two to three weeks earlier than usual this year, making it a historic early start. The reason for this is the comparatively high soil temperatures, which have recently provided the plants with ideal growing conditions.

If the weather remains stable and warm, Austrian asparagus will reach the supermarkets at the beginning of April, earlier than in the past, according to Josef Moosbrugger, President of the Chamber of Agriculture (LKÖ).

Currently, only imported "spears" can be found there, which are less fresh and have been produced under poorer production and social standards. Buying local produce also protects the climate. "It is therefore worth investing the lower additional price."

2300 tons of asparagus harvested in 2023
In this country, asparagus is mainly grown in Marchfeld in Lower Austria. However, the approximately 760 hectares of cultivation area now extend as far as Vorarlberg.

In Austria, 127 farms produce green or purple asparagus, while 82 farms will soon be harvesting white asparagus. The area under cultivation has only changed slightly compared to the previous year - but the harvest volume is likely to be higher this year. In 2023, the harvest brought in just under 2300 tons of asparagus.

Non-wage labor costs lead to distortion of competition
However, non-wage labor costs are a concern for the companies, as Moosbrugger noted. "Domestic vegetable growers have been suffering for years from high non-wage labor costs, which lead to massive distortions of competition compared to neighboring countries."

Inflation has further exacerbated the situation. "The next government program at the latest must tackle and eliminate the disadvantages faced by Austrian farms in terms of non-wage labor costs."
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