Fraternity affair

SPÖ DJ Peter Binder has to report to the party today

06.02.2024 10:13

The time and place are still secret, but the reason for the meeting is known: Peter Binder (SPÖ), the third president of the state parliament, has to face a serious meeting with his party leader today. As the "Krone" reported, Binder was "involuntarily" a DJ at a party of right-wing fraternity members. There is great excitement within the party.

"We should have taken a much closer look and clarified in advance who was really coming." Officially, the pub was the venue for a birthday party that evening, "the 50 to 60 people from the fraternity ball then joined us", says Binder. "Krone readers know the story down to the last detail: the official after-party of the controversial Burschenbundball took place in the Pianino restaurant in the center of Linz, which belongs to Linz SPÖ local councillor Harald Katzmayr.

Peter Binder applauded when Michael Lindner took over the SPÖ Upper Austria in 2022. Today he has to report to his boss. (Bild: Harald Dostal)
Peter Binder applauded when Michael Lindner took over the SPÖ Upper Austria in 2022. Today he has to report to his boss.

You can't shake my attitude
Why was it not noticed that the official finale of the controversial ball was taking place there of all places? "It was just stupid," Peter Binder (SPÖ), the third president of the state parliament, defended himself to the "Krone" newspaper on Monday and added: "I will be much more sensitive here in future. Of course, my anti-fascist stance cannot be shaken."

Personal consequences are unlikely
In any case, Binder has to report today: Upper Austria SPÖ Chairman Michael Lindner has invited the 3rd Provincial Parliament President Binder to a personal meeting. It is not yet clear what the outcome will be. Insiders do not expect there to be any personal consequences. "But there will definitely be a reprimand for Binder," they say.

Eva Reiter from the Socialist Youth (SJ) Upper Austria is demanding a personal apology and a donation from Binder and Katzmayr.

Mockery and malice from the ÖVP and the Greens
It is unusual for political rivals to comment on internal party affairs, but this time it is different. ÖVP regional managing director Florian Hiegelsberger says: "The SPÖ Upper Austria is always one of the first moralizers to point the finger at others. Those who always apply the highest standards to everyone else must also apply the same standards to themselves, and every representative of a political community will then be judged on whether they really live up to their statements and values. In view of the facts that have now come to light, this is definitely not the case with Parliament President Peter Binder."

"Background music for the blue after-party"
Green Party spokesperson on right-wing extremism Anne-Sophie Bauer, Member of Parliament, speaks of an absurd picture: "A huge demonstration led by SPÖ leader Lindner is protesting against the Burschenbundball and shortly afterwards Peter Binder is providing the background music for the blue after-party. He is the president of the SPÖ provincial parliament, a close confidant of his boss and the whole thing takes place in the pub of an SPÖ local councillor. The Upper Austrian SPÖ is thus doing a disservice to the fight against right-wing extremism and nationalist ideas."

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